Updated Comments on Nextdoor Neighborhood

An introductory narrative for Nextdoor Norchester was written several years ago.  In the meantime, the parent company of Nextdoor has gone public and has made changes in the way in which they operate.  Please realize that many of the specifics listed in the past will have changed in the current iteration of the Nextdoor paradigm. The most current version of Nextdoor (May, 2022) does not operate in a manner similar to previous versions; therefore we suggest you go to their website for information on the use of Nextdoor. (They seem to have a running program of changes.) To sign up with Nextdoor Neighborhood, go to https://help.nextdoor.com/s/article/How-to-join-Nextdoor?language=en_US.

This insert  lists suggestions from AARP  regarding the use of Nextdoor.com. 

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